There are so many tutorials and articles talking about how to install and run WordPress on own server. Some of them get into really complicated explanations, that is not the idea. As this is WordPress for noobs, I will try to explain it in the most easiest way possible. Please leave your comment if you have any doubt. It will be a pleasure to help you and answer any question. Ok, let’s start from the beginning: What you need to install Some money Hosting Domain The last version of Hosting Yes, you have to waste some money and get a decent hosting service were your website is going to host. This hosting company charges for maintaining the server online 24/7. Server is basically a computer that never is switched off. It’s running all the time. If server shuts down, all sites hosted in it will go down since in its hard disk are saved all the clients websites. There are plenty of companies offering a variety of hosting plans, you can find a...